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Free access paper EJOR – Water pollution in wastewater treatment plants: an efficiency analysis with undesirable output

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E’ online l’editoriale dello special issue pubblicato su Water Resources Management, curato da Giulia Romano, Andrea Guerrini, Rui Cunha Marques: https://link.springer.com/article/10.1007/s11269-017-1697-3   Please...


Information about cookies and on the treatment of the personal data

The privacy policy complies with D. Lgs. n. 196/2003 (Privacy Code) of art. 13, which determines the obligation to provide information to the interested party about the treatment of its own personal data, it is addressed to whom visits the website of the European Water Utility Management (EWUM, project 2014-1288) Module, also by web applications, excluding external links.

Collected data have different types:

Automatically captured data

This category includes the data of user’s device (computer, tablet, smartphone, etc), the URI (Uniform Resource Identifier) of requested resources and other parameters connected to the communication’s protocol (http and/or https) regarding the OS and the computer environment. Collected data are only used for anonymous statistical information purposes on the use of the website and monitor the performance.

Data given by users

The explicit voluntary dispatch of emails, SMS, MMS or phone calls to the contacts given in this website means the consequent acquisition of the email address or phone number, necessary to give an answer, as well as the other personal data embodied in the message.


No user’s personal data is acquired by the website. The cookies do not capture  name, surname, address nor any other data referring to the person. Cookies do not transfer personal data. “Tracking cookies” to locate users are not used either.

We would like to remind that the user, through his browser’s settings, can disable the use of cookies anytime he desires, and he is informed the moment he receives them. He can refuse the consent to send them as well.

Use of collected information

Data transfer is voluntary, except for the automatically captured data, and it is done via online modules, emails or phone calls. We will not be able to satisfy users who do not accept this privacy policy. All of personal data are  treated according to the D. Lgs. 196/2003, as well as with discretion and competence. Treatment of data will be carried out with or without electronic devices and will include all of the necessary operations listed in the art. 4 comma 1, lettera a, D. Lgs 196/2003.

The holder of these rights is:

European Water Utility Management (EWUM, project 2014-1288) Module at the Dipartimento di Economia e Management, University of Pisa, Via Ridolfi,  56124, Pisa (PI), Italy.

Purpose of data treatment

Comply to the legal obligations regarding the user.

Technical purposes of system efficiency monitoring.

Comply to activities related to our economical activity, as internal registry and statistics, invoicing, accounting of suppliers/clients.

Commercial purposes, as the dispatch of commercial information and advertising material (via regular post, fax-machine, email), or marketing and marketing research.

Legal purposes, including European guidelines, orders from different kinds of law enforcements.

Safeguard of credits and management of debts

Purposes of insurance, especially regarding insurance for financial credits.

Purposes of internal monitoring on client satisfaction, quality of the products and services provided, achieved through outsourcing to specialized units responsible for interviews both personal and through calls.

Subjects or categories of subjects to whom data can be disclosed. Subjects or categories of subjects who can see the data as responsible people or be in charge of transmitting them.

Personal information that are given through emails to the firm’s email addresses can be seen by people in charge of those services, marketing activities and responsible people.

Personal information may be communicated to a third party in obliging  law requirements, fulfilling orders of public authorities, exercise a right. Particular services or require products may require personal information to be given to third parties. These third parties are those who perform activities connected to the previously mentioned services or products (Post offices, couriers, legal firms, administrative firms, commerce chambers). These products or services wouldn’t be distributed without the communication of data to these third parties. Personal information won’t be distributed unless the connected service requires to.

User’s rights

The Privacy act gives the right to the user of art 7. In particular the user can request to know the existence of personal data regarding him, and a clear statement of what these information are. The user can also enquire about the origin of these data, the purpose and the use, the logic applied in case of previous electronic use, the identification of the holder of the data, of the responsible people, of the people who came in contact with the data.

The user has the right to be updated, to have the data corrected, assimilated, cancelled, transformed to anonymous data. He has the right to block data which are not treated according to the law. The user has the right to object, completely or partially, according to the legitimate treatment of information, to the delivery of advertising material or direct sell, marketing research or commercial communications. These rights can be executed, also through an appointed person, via “lettera raccomandata” request to the European Water Utility Management (EWUM, project 2014-1288) Module, located in Via Ridolfi, 56124, Pisa (PI), Italy.  Also with an email to jmwater@ec.unipi.it.

Location for the storage of the data

Data are stored by type:

Navigation data are stored in “Google Analytics” by Google Inc., 1600 Amphitheatre Parkway, Mountain View, CA 94043 (USA) therefore data are acquired By Google.inc (see next paragraph)

Information given voluntary by emails are stored in computers at the European Water Utility Management (EWUM, project 2014-1288) Module, in Via Ridolfi, 56124, Pisa (PI), Italy.

Cookies are store in your own devices.

Cookie policy

This website adopts cookies and similar technologies to guarantee the performance and improve the experience of jmwater.ec.unipi.it.


Cookies are small fragments of text (letters/numbers) that allow the websites’s server to save informations on the user’s device. Information saved can be used in the same session (“session cookies”) or later (“persistent cookies”). Cookies are saved, based on the user’s preferences, by the browser on the specific device used (computer, tablet, smartphone, ecc).

Similar technologies, like, for example, Web beacon, transparent GIF and all other forms of local storage introduced by HTML5, may be used to collect information on the behaviour of the user and the services used.

From now on we will just refer to all of these technologies as “Cookies”.

Cookie types

We can divide cookies in different categories based on the employment or the characteristics.

Session cookies or strictly necessary ones. They are cookies vital to the correct functioning of the website and they are used to navigate the different pages of the website, or login to the reserved sections. They only last as long as the user’s session (they are deleted when the browser is closed). If they are disabled, the website might not work.

Analysis Cookies: they are cookies employed to collect and analyse the use of the website on an anonymous base. These cookies do not identify the user, but for example register if the same user visit the website in more than one session. They monitor the system and help improve the user’s experience. If they are disabled, the visit to the website is not influenced.

Tracking cookies: they are permanent cookies used to identify (on an anonymous base or not) the user’s preferences and improve his experience. This website does not employ tracking cookies.

Third party cookies

While visiting a website you can receive cookies both from the website you are visiting (property cookies) and third party cookies. One example are the “social plug-in” for Facebook, Twitter, Google+ e LinkedIn.  They are parts of the visited web page, automatically generated by those websites and integrated in the webpage you are visiting. They are most adopted to share content in social networks.

The existence of these plug-in implies the transmission of cookies to/from third party websites. The management of data collected by third parties is disciplined by the relative laws. To guarantee a better transparency, we list the inherent addresses. This website doesn’t adopt social plug-in.

Google Analytics

This website includes components transmitted by Google Analytics, an analysis service of web traffic by Google,inc. This is another case of third party cookies, collected and managed in an anonymous mode to monitor and improve the performance of the website (performance cookies).

Google analytics employs cookies to collect and improve in an anonymous form information on the behaviours of visitors of the website. These data are collected by Google Analytics, who compiles them in order to produce a report for the managers of the website on the performance of the website itself. This website does not allow (nor allows to third parties) to use Google Analytics to collect personal information or identification. Moreover, this website uses Google Analytics’ instruments to make the user’s IP addresses anonymous. Google does not match the user’s IP address to any other information collected, nor tries to pair it with the user’s identity. Google can disclose information to third parties if the law allows.

For more information, please visit


The user can enable precise functions of Google Analytics by installing the opt-out component by Google on his browser. To disable Google Analytics please visit:


Duration of cookies

Some cookies (“session cookies”) stay active only until the browser is closed or the log-out is made. Other cookies last longer and are available in the following sessions as well.

These cookies are called persistent and their duration is fixed by the server the moment of their creation. In some cases an expiration date is fixed, in other cases they last forever.

Management of cookies

The user can decide to accept the cookies or not using the setting of his browser, or going to the page:


Disabling “first part” cookies or “property”, “session” ones or “technical” ones may disrupt the visit to the website. Disabling these cookies you might not be able to browser the pages or sections and see the contents.

Disabling the “third party” cookies doesn’t disrupt the user’s experience in any way.

Settings can be specifically defined for the different websites and web applications. Moreover the best browsers allow different settings for “property” cookies or “third party” cookies.

For example, in Firefox, through menu Strumenti -> Opzioni -> Privacy, is possible to get to a control panel where you can decide to accept or not to accept the different kinds of cookies or remove them.

Here are some links about cookies management:

Chrome: https://support.google.com/chrome/answer/95647?hl=it

Firefox: https://support.mozilla.org/it/kb/Gestione%20dei%20cookie

Internet Explorer: http://windows.microsoft.com/it-it/windows7/how-to-manage-cookies-in-internet-explorer-9

Opera: http://help.opera.com/Windows/10.00/it/cookies.html

Safari: http://support.apple.com/kb/HT1677?viewlocale=it_IT

 Third Party website

Third party websites that are accessible though links on this website are not covered by our privacy policy. The Master of Science in Economics declines any responsibility  about them. The cookie categories and the type of data use from this firms are monitored and managed by this same firms.


This privacy policy might be subject to changes or modifications. We reserve the right to make changes to this policy in any given moment in time, especially if a new law is introduced. If there are big changes to the treatment of user’s data by the website jmwater.ec.unipi.it, the master will notify the user publishing a news.

Last update: January 2016.